What kind of parent are you?

For starters parenting doe not come easy. Just like life itself has many obstacles so does parenting. For some it may come easy and for some its a bit harder. As for me as a teen parent parenting came easy as my first born was a great baby and til this day he makes parenting easy. My mother instinct kicked in, which means I did not have a hard time accepting that I was a parent and that it no longer was about me but that it was about my child. I can say so far I have beaten statistics and that I am with the father of my child with that being said I have a partner in this thing we call parenting. As a parent of my first I was a strict mom, I was really about structure and staying on top of schedules. Due to that my first born Benjamin is a great kid. Now, here is the twist to my parenting. when I had my second child fiver years later I never imagined I was going to have a child that will teach me t slow down, appreciate the little things that time has to how me. That accidents are OK and that getting dirty and ruining your clothes is OK. But, it took some time for me to learn this. Unfortunate I did not learn this till my first born was seven years old and my baby was 2. I had to learn this because my baby was receiving ABA services and little did I know he was going to be diagnosed with mild- moderate Autism. My kids are great kids my older child does talk back and throw fits like any other kid but that does not mean we have failed as parents. It just means I have some redirecting to do to better whatever situation we are in. So better answer the question I am a parent that lives by structure, schedules, which means I am a bit strict, but I do leave time for one on one and plenty of time for play. I tend to live by everything has its time and place and that not everything needs a reaction.


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