Free Choice

Random thought…. I never stopped to think what life would be without my loved ones, as tomorrow is never promised. It wasn’t till yesterday that I actually stopped and reflected on life. Having your loved ones is a key to life as well as support. You see I’m the second youngest from the five that mom had, and the oldest popped babies like tic tacks. So i grew up with my niece and nephews, and never in a million years did I ever think my nephew would talk to me about self harm.  I see them as younger siblings that I look out for when I can. In true reality that opportunity has been presented to me time to time and I have gone to there rescue every time. Never has anyone of them said to me whats my purpose in this life, or I feel useless, and it wasn’t until yesterday I felt my hands tied and my mouth seal shut. My life is precious and your life is so precious as well talk and find your purpose to life

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